Remember to smile

Preteens, Morning Run, and Wet Hair

Picture of Angie Avery

Angie Avery

I am a homeschool mother of 6. I don't have everything figured out, but I can help you with the experience I do have.Please join me as Christian mothers who seek answers through prayer in study in raising our children in a Godly way.

Preteens, Morning Run, and Wet Hair

Last night handsome cowboy went with me outside. He was feeding the horses while I got Lullabell in and then keep me company while I milked her. I went into the pen empty handed. That’s never a good plan. Around and around the pen we went until Momma decided to come out. She was looking at her baby and he wasn’t wanting to come. He kept running back to his friends.

Now you’ll have to excuse my personification here. I’ve spent way too much time around preteens lately and their attitudes. I could imagine Momma Lullabell saying come on baby it’s time to go. Then baby looks at her and says Mom I don’t want to go yet. I want to stay with my friends and I’m not coming. Lullabell then would say you’re going to be hungry and it’s starting to rain. Then baby says Mom I just ate, and I have my friends so I’ll be fine. Lullabell then says fine I’m going to eat grass.

After this brief, silent, and imaginary interchange between Mom and baby we were off. Handsome cowboy asked me why didn’t you get the baby in. I said he wanted to stay with his friends and I decided to leave him.

When we got Lullabell into the shoot and were washing her cowboy realized she was out of milk. I apologized for wasting his time. We decided to leave her in a pen somewhat close to her baby so we could milk her in the morning.

This morning my hair was wet and I figured I’d let it dry while I milked the cow. I went to milk Lullabell and baby preteen decided it’d been a really long night without Mom. He ran straight to her when I opened up the gates. I got her in and milked her without little event. I was feeling pretty proud of myself as I opened up the gates to put her back in her pen. Then I realized someone had left the gates to some huge pens open that lead to the open pasture. Oh no how could someone do that. Will that someone was me. The best part is it really started to pour outside. Away I go after Lullabell and baby trying to get around them but just pushing them into the next big pen closer to freedom. I decided to skirt around the biggest pasture instead of going straight behind Lullabell. I was hoping she wouldn’t reach the final big gate that was open to outside before I did. I got there just in time and closed it before she could leave. Lullabell and baby had found babies’ friends in the meanwhile on the other side of the fence. I was able to push them both back through all the big pens to the one they were supposed to be in.

Slightly resembling a wet dog, I accomplished my ultimate goal of milking Lullabell. I even got a morning run in the process. Furthermore, I had to change my idea of how to do my hair. Hopefully, I think I’ll have more patience after this experience realizing that my milk cows child also is somewhat rebellious but comes around eventually.

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