The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
I am a devoted mother and disciple of Jesus Christ. I am very much a Christian that strives each day to live the way my Savior would want me to. However, I fall short all the time and only by His life, mercy, and grace can I be changed and forgiven.
Our Faith’s Views on Homeschool
A large reason we decided to homeschool our children is in response to lots of prayers on my knees in my children’s behalf. Our church doesn’t push parents to homeschool or public school. It is a decision for parents to make. I decided to homeschool as I saw my children slipping away from values I had taught them at home. I prayed to know how to help my children and Heavenly Father put homeschooling on my heart.
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Several years later here we are homeschooling a bunch of kids. Days are long for us but it is so worth it to see the faith that my children have. If nothing else, I am sure they know to look to Jesus Christ for a remission of their sins. I glory in my Jesus that has redeemed my soul from hell. I love Him. He is my Best Friend and solid foundation.