Remember to smile

Separating the Cow and Calf

Picture of Angie Avery

Angie Avery

I am a homeschool mother of 6. I don't have everything figured out, but I can help you with the experience I do have.Please join me as Christian mothers who seek answers through prayer in study in raising our children in a Godly way.


Now I don’t know what you all do with your milk cow. Have people given you good, bad, or just ridiculous advice? Has what they told you to do actually worked? Now like I mentioned before I am not “handy”. I wear flip flops often to rodeos and things so people don’t get the wrong idea.

Ideally every day around lunch time we go out and we separate Lullabell and her calf. We put them in pens next to each other and they do just fine.

Separating Lullabell and her calf is usually quite the chore. When Quort and I try to separate her she doesn’t seem to want to do what we ask. Today was no special day. We didn’t want to get on Oreo the pony again because we all wanted to get in and eat lunch. Quort decided to change things up and ride his bike over to the cow. I also brought a big stick. No I had no plans of hitting her? I assure you, I’m not that kind of person. My cow realizes how much I love her and don’t want to hurt her. She milks out every last bit of my kindness. The plan was my giant stick was going to double my size so that maybe she wouldn’t be scared to run past me or run me over. I was thinking LARGE AND IN CHARGE with my might stick.

Will Quort goes in the pen with her and runs her towards me. Around the hay bail she goes behind me and then behind him. (It’s kind of a big pen) For a minute you would think we’re playing ring around the Rosie. Around she goes and around she goes. I keep looking at the gate thinking darn if I would’ve opened it just a little wider. Despite the narrowness of the gate exit Lullabell decided the bike was scary enough and she didn’t want to mess with my large and in charge self with my giant stick. Yes, it was a miracle. She went out of the big pen.

Now the story isn’t over. There are two more pens. Yes two more pens!!! So the plan is to run her and her baby between pens so that we can get a big enough distance between them to shut the gate before they join back up with each other. Miraculously, we only had to run her a couple times before baby Bronwich didn’t keep up with Momma.

So that is our amazing story of trying to separate Lullabell and the calf. The bike and having a large and in charge stick really did help.

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