Remember to smile

Just Another Week January 13-19

Picture of Angie Avery

Angie Avery

I am a homeschool mother of 6. I don't have everything figured out, but I can help you with the experience I do have.Please join me as Christian mothers who seek answers through prayer in study in raising our children in a Godly way.

I decided to start giving you, my readers, a fairly unfiltered view into our homeschool life. I want to lay out what our life is like each day. I hope for you who are already homeschooling, this gives you peace knowing you’re not alone. Furthermore, I really hope for those who aren’t homeschooling, it helps you know you can do this, and that it doesn’t discourage you.


Monday was a bit crazy. We tried to just push through everyone’s school. I’m quite sure I didn’t do my preschoolers school with him. For days like that, I have ABC Mouse on an amazon fire tablet. The last several years I really tried to limit screen exposure for our family. However, we unexpectedly welcomed two toddlers into our home. It’s been a bit crazy for me to adjust to that and still teach four other kids. I try to have my youngest children play with toys in their room or by us most of the morning. In the afternoon, we usually do a quick Bible study all together. After the Bible study, I let my littlest children watch a movie.

After we pushed through everyone’s school I warmed up left over pizza for my four older kids and hurried out the door. My husband and my two toddlers ate canned soup. My four older kids and I ate the left over pizza in the car on the drive to a 4H meeting. On the way home from our 4H meeting my 6 year old daughter through up in the car. Thankfully, I had a bowl to catch everything. Also on the way home, we had a super scary snow storm. It was mostly ok until the last 15 minutes home on our dirt road. Those last couple minutes the snow was blowing dangerously across the road eliminating the ability to see where we were.


Despite my high hopes of really catching up on school with my 9 year old after Christmas break, he got sick alongside my 6 year old. I felt bad for them two. They spent the next several days chilling on the couch watching movies together. I read them our Bible story and our read aloud with the rest of the family, but I just let them be sick.


Usually on Wednesday we go to our homeschool co-op. However, because of the bad weather our co-op was canceled. I was pleased since two of my kids were still sick. It was a pretty good day because I only had to do school with 2 of my kids. That night I took my son to Wednesday night church activities at our church. We picked up his friend and mail his parents picked up for me in town.


Thursday was a nice day. My kids were feeling better except for my 9 year old. We cracked down on school, but we had a long lunch break in the middle of the day. It was a bit stressful since we went longer at night because we had a really long lunch break.


Friday we hurried through school. We had to be at a meeting at our temple two hours away with our teenagers. We took all our children to our temple. Just for a view of this, it’s like taking toddlers to a library for a couple hours. Some friends offered to watch them. That was super appreciated since it was our daughter’s first day being able to go into the temple. We had a very late night, but it was a good one. We stopped after the temple and got the kids ice cream.


My husband fed cows on Saturday and worked on projects he’s trying to finish. I tried to learn more about social media which was successful. I also spent a really good part of the day putting up new stuffed animal organizers and making my girls help me clean their room. We are going to make a shelf out of their old toy box my husband made for them. Tipped on its side, it really looks like an outhouse. My son laughingly said he was going to put a moon on it to resemble Shrek’s outhouse. Oftentimes, I worry more about how my kitchen, living room, and dining room look. This week I didn’t care so much about those things. I really just wanted to help my daughters clean their room.


I tried to wake up early because my son had to be to church early. We did make it to church earlier than usual. We went to church and enjoyed worshiping our Savior. I stayed at church way too long since it was so nice to be able to talk to adults. We took a long nap when our toddler boys did. We then all woke up and watched a movie and attended church meetings. We got the kids to bed and my husband and I stayed up way too late.

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