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How to Homeschool

Picture of Angie Avery

Angie Avery

I am a homeschool mother of 6. I don't have everything figured out, but I can help you with the experience I do have.Please join me as Christian mothers who seek answers through prayer in study in raising our children in a Godly way.

How to Homeschool

Choose an Educational Method

There are different homeschool methods such as Charlotte Mason, Classical, Montessori, Unit Studies, Unschooling, Waldorf, and Gameschooling. Most homeschool parents do a mixture of many of these. My family’s homeschool method is like a beautiful bouquet. It draws beauty from many different methods.

Research Homeschool Curriculum and Pick One

After you choose one or a couple educational methods, you can then search for different curriculums that go with that method. You can also ask friends what they use or join a homeschool Facebook group and ask for help. My friend gave me really good advice when I started. She said just pick something and start. You can always switch later if it’s not working for you or your children.

Test Try

When I first started, I was scared to death. I didn’t want to mess up my kids. I decided that during the summer we would do some of their curriculum. If it really wasn’t working I figured I could always put them back in school. We started with science for everyone and math for only one of my kids. Science was a little rough but math was going great. My husband and I decided it would work and we would continue homeschooling through the school year.

Switch Up

If a certain curriculum isn’t working just try something else. It doesn’t mean you have to put your kids in school. After homeschooling my kids of different ages for several years, we have tried so many different curriculum. Right now not all my kids are not doing the same curriculum for different subjects. We are using mixtures of The Good and the Beautiful, Masterbooks, BJU, Unit Studies, and different things I’ve created myself.

Multiple Age Children

One piece of advice I have is for people with many kids of different ages. It helps so much to do our children’s science, history, health, crafts, art, music, and PE as a family. We don’t do all these things everyday or even every week. However, when we do them, then they are done as a family. Some curriculum companies split all these things into different grade levels. That is not needed until I would say for high school science. A tiny public school that teaches grades 2-6 would never ask one teacher to teach 5 different grade levels of every single subject. Please give yourself grace and just do it together. When we homeschool our kids we are not trying to recreate public school at home.

”“Dear friend, don’t let the bustling culture determine the needs of your own children. You get to choose how they grow up. You can protect their time, energy, and imagination. You are the gatekeeper of the garden of their childhood.” -Ainsley Arment, Amy Thetford, THEHOMESCHOOLMOM, October 14, 2021

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