Remember to smile

How to Homeschool

How to Homeschool Choose an Educational Method There are different homeschool methods such as Charlotte Mason, Classical, Montessori, Unit Studies, Unschooling, Waldorf, and Gameschooling. Most homeschool parents do a mixture of many of these. My family’s homeschool method is like a beautiful bouquet. It draws beauty from many different methods. Research Homeschool Curriculum and Pick […]

Morning Menus

Morning Menus This year I saw an idea to use menus for our circle time. I bought some menus on Amazon and during the summer made 10 months worth of different songs, pictures, and scriptures to enter into our menus. That way when we were in the middle of the school year I would just […]

4H Projects

4H Projects 2025 Despite me knowing next to nothing about 4H and cattle, our kids are involved in 4H. This year I enrolled them in many projects including horse and breeding heifers for all three of the older kids. This is my 3rd child first year of having a heifer. We’re excited for him that […]

Potty Training

Homeschooling While Potty Training One day after we got our foster babies, I washed my 3 year old and got ready to put clothes on him. I spontaneously decided that I was NEVER going to be ready to potty train and we’d start that day. You have to understand that doing things on a whim […]

The Milk Cow

Lullabell and Ranch Kids We have some amazing friends around us. My son and one of his best friends met in 3rd grade. I’ll just call his friend Horse kid. Horse kid is about the most cowboy kid I’ve ever seen. I love this kid. He lives and breaths doing everything right alongside his Dad […]

Homeschooling With Toddlers

Homeschooling With Toddlers In my last post I mentioned that my husband and I welcomed to boys from foster care into our home. Up until this point, I have never tried to do homeschooling with more than one girl toddler aged child. When my baby girl was a toddler, I brought all my older kids […]

What’s New

What’s Happening It has been so long since I’ve wrote on here. I had some technical difficulties at first and then some hard family issues came up and I had to quit doing all my extra things for a while. Thankfully, homeschooling gives us the flexibility to take life as it comes at us and […]

Honest Review of Notgrass History

Notgrass History has been such a delight for us this year. The previous two years I have homeschooled, we have done The Good and the Beautiful history. It was ok. We got through it. We enjoyed the read alouds and the audio story that went with it. We didn’t enjoy the long, uncolorful lessons with […]

Outdoor Unit Study

Our family is anxiously awaiting the time for me to put away our anatomy and physiology unit study and begin our survival unit study. Here are some of the resources we will be or would like to use. The Waldock Way Survival Unit Study I have this resources all printed. My wilderness child looked at […]

Year-Round School

Why am I an advocate for year-round homeschooling? Do you enjoy your kids not forgetting everything you teach them, do you want to take advantage of summer or spring days without worrying about school, do you want your kids to get more sleep, and do you want to not feel bad about bagging days when […]

Momma Self Care

My first year was a rough first year of homeschooling. I made some bad life choices and decided to start college for myself the second semester of our first year. To say it was hard was an understatement. As I prayed, I felt guided to take a different path and stop college. Yet, all of […]

Getting Dinner Done

Dinner Time One of the hardest challenges for me with being a wife and mom in general is getting dinner done on time. I’ve looked at other women’s meal plans at times and it is extremely depressing. Somehow they manage to make a homemade meal for every single meal every day and still do a […]

Morning Circle Time

Morning Circle Time Have you heard of morning time? If so have you considered doing it? I hope to share with you the ups and downs we have experienced as we’ve spent our mornings together. Hopefully, this will give you an idea of some things that might work for your family. Starting off with the […]

Child Interest Led Education

Child Interest Led Education My heart has exploded the last couple months as I have leisurely listened to podcasts about homeschooling. I feel like I am being led to a better and more noble way to see my kid’s education. I have been so inspired by ideas like play based learning, interest led education, and […]

Social Life of a Homeschool Family

Social Life of a Homeschool Family For most of these 11 years, my husband and I have lived far from family and town. He has been an intern on a ranch, a cowboy, or a ranch unit manager. It has been hard to have friends when we live anywhere from 20-60 minutes from the nearest […]

Homeschool- How to Keep Your Home Clean

How to Keep Your House Clean and Homeschool When I thought about pulling my children out of public school two years ago, one of my biggest concerns was my house being a mess. I told several of my friends that are homeschooling already about my worries. One friend told me I’d just have to get […]

What do I wear Homeschool?

What do I wear? If you’re anything like me the most comfortable thing to wear when you are in your house all day is pajamas. It’s so hard to clean the house in stiff pants. It’s really annoying to get up and down on the couch and off the floor wearing jeans. If you wear […]

Homeschool Schedules

Homeschool Schedules I often try to explain to my friends that I love organization, but I am an extremely unorganized person. I also love schedules, but I am a very random and on the go type of person. A lot of this comes because at random times throughout the week my husband will come home […]

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