Remember to smile

A Week in our Life

Picture of Angie Avery

Angie Avery

I am a homeschool mother of 6. I don't have everything figured out, but I can help you with the experience I do have.Please join me as Christian mothers who seek answers through prayer in study in raising our children in a Godly way.

A Week in our Life February 3-8


Monday most of my children were finished with the lessons they needed to do for the month. When they get to that point, I let them finish off the week with educational things of their choice. In my oldest daughter’s case, I’m having her work on her Masterbooks art curriculum. My 9 year old son was sick for what seemed like a couple weeks this month with different things. I had him work on catching up with his lessons. I told my first grader to work independently. My oldest son is taller then me and really experienced with helping me move furniture. I had decided around midnight the night before that we were once again, much to his dismay but not surprise, that we we going to spend the day moving the basement furniture around.

The biggest job we had was to move the chest freezer, that was full of food, upstairs. That whole ordeal was really not a good idea to attempt ourselves. At one point my two older sons we’re trying to keep the freezer from going down the stairs any further while I slid down on the top to help them. It was really comical. My husband told me later we should’ve got a video.

I’m glad to say everything got moved around. That includes a bed, a laundry shelf, a extra large, wood doll house, a gigantic barn big enough to be a bed, and that freezer upstairs due to a moment of sudden extra human strength my son had. My children ended up having the rest of the day off of school because I was preoccupied with moving things. I had loosely planned maybe trying to take Friday off. Given the circumstances, I changed it to Monday. I’m the queen of doing things on a whim.

One of my favorite things we did was put all my laundry in a room without a door downstairs. There’s a small room with a door downstairs that we use as a storage room. Then there’s a huge room that my husband cut off part of it with book shelves to make a small room off of the big room. We put a rug, a laundry shelf, and a couch in there, I purchased some cute rainbow curtains to put over the opening to that room. I ordered some other rainbow decorations and some flooring to go in the large room. Now when we have friends over if the kids or their parents go down to the big playroom downstairs, I don’t have to be embarrassed about all of our unfolded laundry in baskets.

If you haven’t guessed by now, laundry is not my strong area. It’s also just about impossible to keep up although my children do help a lot. My older kids and I take turns with the washers and dryers. When it’s clean, we put it downstairs. When I get time, I will sort it. The older four kids will put away their laundry and help me with deliveries for the towels and rags. I will fold and put away my youngest boys laundry. When I have time, I will have my 5 year old help me fold some of his laundry.I’m


On Tuesday my husband worked part of the day. He took the other part of the day to go to the chiropractor and our temple after. I told him and our children that I would decide at the last minute if we were going. We opted to stay home. My children we’re really looking forward to playing outside and one was practically begging me to let us stay home. It was really cold that day, also, and I didn’t want to be stuck inside a building with all six of my children in town while my husband was at the temple. We had a good school day. The kids spent time outside in the afternoon while I walked on my treadmill. When school was finished we got dinner done and I put them into bed. My husband picked up groceries for me at Walmart after he finished at the temple, and he headed for home.


Wednesday I was really tired. I’d stayed awake waiting for my husband while I folded laundry. Then we woke up earlier than usual. I couldn’t sleep in because it’s our co-op day. We have to be in a town 1.5 hours away at 9am. Its always a busy day for us, and I’m exhausted at the end of the day. My kids and I eat in the car. Then, for the first two hours at co-op I take everyone potty and make sure they and I brush our teeth. After all that is done, I sat down and talked with my friends until 3rd hour.

During third hour, I taught my 3-6 year old class about fireflies. We also did a houseplant bingo game and they colored in their plant coloring books.

When I got home on Wednesday, I was exhausted. My husband was really good to me and told me to lay down while he did dinner. After he read scriptures to our kids, I woke up long enough to eat my dinner and pray with my family. Then I crashed. Him and my older kids helped get our littles to bed.


Thursday I woke up early with my husband still really tired. I got our youngest children breakfast. The older children get their own breakfast. We finished getting ready for the day and started school.

When it was lunch time we realized that our deep freezer wasn’t working. Much to my embarrassment and grief, I had broken something moving it upstairs. My older children helped me take all the food out of the freezer and move it to other freezers nearby our house. My 4 younger kids went outside to play, and my oldest son went on a walk with me. After our walk, I made no-bake cookies and forgot to put sugar in them. I didn’t realize that until they were all laid out on a pan. We had to put them back in the pan and add milk and sugar.

After lunch break, we did circle time. We said a prayer, I read my kids a Bible story, and we sang a church song. After that, we did the pledge of allegiance and we sang one verse of the star spangled banner. I’m not always good at getting my kids to bed on time, so I started reading my youngest children a storybook during our circle time. We read them a Bob the Builder book. Next, I let my youngest children play with something quietly by us while we read our Biblioplan history lesson, read our read aloud Katy by Mary Notgrass, and played a new world history game I bought Guess in 10, Countries of the World. Most of the rest of the night we spent finishing school.

Have I mentioned how awesome my husband is, how much I love him, and how I’m not sure we could survive without him. He fixed the deep freezer saving us $1,400. We are trying to save up money for a down payment on land, so this was huge. He changed the plug on the freezer, and it started working. We love our Jack of all trades amazing daddy and husband.


Friday we were supposed to go with the teens in our church to the temple. They had canceled the trip and closed the temple to repair some water issues. Their was also a winter storm warning. My husband was going to go to the chiropractor again and the temple. He decided not to go since the weather was going to be bad and he couldn’t go to the temple. He’d made a goal this year to go to the temple everytime he went to the big city closest to us. I was really relieved when he decided not to go because I was going to try have our children do school in the car. I wanted to spend the extra time with him if he went to town.

That morning we started our day with circle time. Everyone was eating, so it was a good time for me to read to everyone and take care of some school. We said our normal morning time routine. For extra things, I had my school age children put together a geography puzzle and use our Tall Tale pieces to write a story. However, I just told my first grader to write two sentences using some of the Tall Tell pieces.

After circle time we started school, had lunch break inside while I took a short nap, and then finished school. My husband got home and we let the kids have Friday movie night. While my children were watching their movie, I worked on some of my social media things.

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