Preteens, Morning Run, and Wet Hair Last night handsome cowboy went with me outside. He was feeding the horses while I got Lullabell in and then keep me company while I milked her. I went into the pen empty handed. That’s never a good plan. Around and around the pen we went until Momma decidedContinue reading “Preteens, Morning Run, and Wet Hair”
Tag Archives: milk
Milk Cow vs. Karate Mom
Milk Cow vs. Karate Mom I mentioned a while back how I used my karate bow staff (long stick) to make me LARGE and SCARY to my milk cow. For the last several times that I’ve milked Lullabell my stick has made a difference. So if my stick is working what am I writing thisContinue reading “Milk Cow vs. Karate Mom”