Preteens, Morning Run, and Wet Hair Last night handsome cowboy went with me outside. He was feeding the horses while I got Lullabell in and then keep me company while I milked her. I went into the pen empty handed. That’s never a good plan. Around and around the pen we went until Momma decidedContinue reading “Preteens, Morning Run, and Wet Hair”
Monthly Archives: June 2022
Milk Cow vs. Karate Mom
Milk Cow vs. Karate Mom I mentioned a while back how I used my karate bow staff (long stick) to make me LARGE and SCARY to my milk cow. For the last several times that I’ve milked Lullabell my stick has made a difference. So if my stick is working what am I writing thisContinue reading “Milk Cow vs. Karate Mom”
First Year Supplements
Homeschool First Year Supplements This year I might have gone a little crazy with worrying about my kids education. Many thoughts were going through my mind. What if they aren’t prepared for college? Can I possibly teach my 2nd grader multiplication next year? Is this curriculum teaching them to write good enough? I bought soContinue reading “First Year Supplements”
Separating the Cow and Calf
Lulabell Now I don’t know what you all do with your milk cow. Have people given you good, bad, or just ridiculous advice? Has what they told you to do actually worked? Now like I mentioned before I am not “handy”. I wear flip flops often to rodeos and things so people don’t get theContinue reading “Separating the Cow and Calf”
Meet the Gang
This is Our Family My husband and I have been happily married for 10+ years. We are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We enjoy spending time together doing all things country with our four babies. The Hot Cowboy!!! My husband is a unit ranch manager who also trains horsesContinue reading “Meet the Gang”
Lullabell & Near Death
The Near Death Hiccup My hot cowboy is thrilled!!!! When we got Lulabell my husband wasn’t amused. He has endless chores outside to do already with his job. Plus sometimes over the years he’s taken care of our chores like feeding baby goats or taking care of my inside poochies. Naturally adding a milk cowContinue reading “Lullabell & Near Death”
1st Year Curriculum
Scary First Year Curriculum Choices Wow! There is so much curriculum out there to choose from. I decided to homeschool our 4 children Scooby, Bear Bucks, Skeeb, and Baby Cakes. I looked through lots of curriculum that my friend had. I read about Abeka, BJU Press, The Good and the Beautiful, and more. I lookedContinue reading “1st Year Curriculum”
About our Country Crew
About Me I am a follower of Jesus Christ , a full time homeschool mommy of 4 beautiful babies, and a wifey to my cowboy sweetheart. We live on a ranch in the boonies. My husband is a unit manager on a big ranch. My job is to be keep up with my house, takeContinue reading “About our Country Crew”
Why We Decided to Homeschool
Middle of Nowhere Our decision to homeschool all started with moving to Montana. We lived on a ranch in the middle of nowhere. To some people this might mean 15 minutes from town. That is definitely the outskirts of town to what I am about to explain. As we were driving for a job interviewContinue reading “Why We Decided to Homeschool”