Honest Review of Notgrass History

Notgrass History has been such a delight for us this year. The previous two years I have homeschooled, we have done The Good and the Beautiful history. It was ok. We got through it. We enjoyed the read alouds and the audio story that went with it. We didn’t enjoy the long, uncolorful lessons withContinue reading “Honest Review of Notgrass History”

Outdoor Unit Study

Our family is anxiously awaiting the time for me to put away our anatomy and physiology unit study and begin our survival unit study. Here are some of the resources we will be or would like to use. The Waldock Way Survival Unit Study I have this resources all printed. My wilderness child looked atContinue reading “Outdoor Unit Study”

Child Interest Led Education

Child Interest Led Education My heart has exploded the last couple months as I have leisurely listened to podcasts about homeschooling. I feel like I am being led to a better and more noble way to see my kid’s education. I have been so inspired by ideas like play based learning, interest led education, andContinue reading “Child Interest Led Education”

Social Life of a Homeschool Family

Social Life of a Homeschool Family For most of these 11 years, my husband and I have lived far from family and town. He has been an intern on a ranch, a cowboy, or a ranch unit manager. It has been hard to have friends when we live anywhere from 20-60 minutes from the nearestContinue reading “Social Life of a Homeschool Family”