Honest Review of Notgrass History

Notgrass History has been such a delight for us this year. The previous two years I have homeschooled, we have done The Good and the Beautiful history. It was ok. We got through it. We enjoyed the read alouds and the audio story that went with it. We didn’t enjoy the long, uncolorful lessons withContinue reading “Honest Review of Notgrass History”

Outdoor Unit Study

Our family is anxiously awaiting the time for me to put away our anatomy and physiology unit study and begin our survival unit study. Here are some of the resources we will be or would like to use. The Waldock Way Survival Unit Study I have this resources all printed. My wilderness child looked atContinue reading “Outdoor Unit Study”

Games We’ve played

We are blessed enough to have played quite a few games in our homeschool. However, I definitely have an infinitely long amazon list of games I’m hoping to purchase some day and play with my kids. I hope to tell you some of the games we have played and what I think about them inContinue reading “Games We’ve played”


There are so many good games out there for families looking to spend time playing and learning in the process. This is a special section of my blog that will give honest opinions about educational games and other games we have played. Furthermore, in this part of my blog I will share different games IContinue reading “Gameschooling”

Our Spelling Curriculum Choice

The Good and the Beautiful Spelling Problem Our main curriculum is The Good and the Beautiful. I love it for just about everything. However, I don’t feel like the spelling is quite where it should be. For some of the spelling words each week or month or so the designers of the curriculum focus mostlyContinue reading “Our Spelling Curriculum Choice”

Second Year Homeschool Schedule

Second Year Homeschool Schedule As a first year homeschooler my husband and I were talking to our vetrinarian who informed us that he and his wife homeschooled their kids. I was telling him about the schedule I had planned for our kids. I didn’t want them to sleep all day and develop bad habits. IContinue reading “Second Year Homeschool Schedule”